“Painting with scissors.” This is How Herni Matisse use to call his cut out work after being  diagnosed with cancer. He  create organic surroundings like gardens and animals to make himself feel more accompanied.

My work is created with Cicadas, this animals are not as popular as butterflies but  Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer's Iliad, and as motifs in decorative art from the Chinese Shang dynasty

Cicadas have been used as money, in folk medicine, to forecast the weather, to provide song (in China), and in folklore and myths around the world. In France, the cicada represents the folklore of Provence and the Mediterranean cities.

The organic shapes are broken by dramatic use of colored papers. long lines, sharp edges and bold tones. COVER matissecutout PROJECT #3 FOTO#4



Image autorisÈe ‡ Rosamund Young Tate par Rosamund Young Detail de l'image : NumÈro d'oeuvre : RMN108823 Cote clichÈ : 07-502036 N∞ díinventaire : AM1985-315(1) Fonds : Dessins Titre : Le Clown Description : de la sÈrie : Jazz (SÈrie de 20 planches, 15 doubles pages et 5 pleines pages, 15 doubles pages et 5 pleines pages, 1943-1946) Auteur : Matisse Henri (1869-1954) Droits d'auteur : (C) Succession H. Matisse CrÈdit photographique : (C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Philippe Migeat PÈriode : 20e siËcle, pÈriode contemporaine de 1914 ‡ nos jours Date : ~~June~~ 1943 Technique/MatiËre : papiers collÈs Hauteur : 0.672 m. Longueur : 0.507 m. Localisation : Paris, musÈe national d'Art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou Conditions d'utilisation : Raphaelle Cartier - Matisse Cut-Outs - 17/4/2014 - Type de facturation : x Achat InternetSupport : Edition de livresTirage : plus de 30.000Territoire : Monde toutes langues - JPEG - 2048X3072 pixels © CNAC / RÈunion des MusÈes Nationaux



